New Project: BloodMoon

First, I want to say a big thank you to everyone that played My Path and took the time to give me feedback. That's super important to help me improve my work and make better games. I promise I'll do my best to improve all the things you mentioned =)

Now, it's time to bring you more info and some updates on my new game: BloodMoon!

This is a bigger project and it's being quite a challenge to organize everything. I started to work on the art of some characters, but then decided it was better to focus on the story, organize the routes and make more writing progress before jumping into art or anything else. I feel a bit bad because I can't really post or share anything latelly, but I'm sure this is the best plan for now. After all these weeks of writting, I'm really happy about how the story is developing and how the characters are growing. 

BloodMoon will bring you a darker story about vampires and their complicated eternal lives. Although being imortal and powerful creatures, they live in a complex society full of rules and a strict hierarchy. You will meet several characters that are doing their best to survive and keep their place in this society, where you often need to lie and hide your true intentions to protect yourself and the ones you love. Some of them are used to this structure and simply obey, while others plot to take the power and change things!

There will be 3 LI in the game, you will meet two of them in the demo and the last one will appear in the next chapters of the story, when the game is fully released. I organized a schedule to work on the next months and I should come back here soon to give you more updates. You can also follow me on twitter for regular updates:

Here are a few sketches I worked on, but I might change a few things on these characters later.

That's it for today! Thank you for your interest in my projects and your support =)

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